Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 42: I made it!

I can't believe I made it.

I have been 46 days without alcohol.

I have been 42 days without sugar.

I have been 43 days without coffee.

I am so glad it's over. Tomorrow morning I'm having a coffee. Tomorrow night, I'm sharing a bottle of red with Jay. Or just myself. Wine it is. Maybe chocolate. Maybe not.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 37: Being healed

As I climbed over the big 3-0 mark in my calendar, something happened. I woke up on day 31 with no lust in my life. Lust for chocolate, that is. The lolly shelves at Safeway are free from my desperate looks. The lady on the next table doesn't have to be worried that I will eat her cake. I don't want it.

I feared this day would come. Not to crave sugar is scary. Because I know how good it tastes. I don't want to not to want it.

On the flip side, I feel and probably look better than before this hideous countdown started. I guess you can say that's a plus.

PS: The crave for coffee is weaker, but still there. My wine craving is huuuuge. Stuff water.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 29: Same same, not different

Firstly, apologies for the suicidal message yesterday. It is purely due to lack of alcohol and desserts on our weekend away. Also, the fact that I still haven't been able to celebrate my new job with anything but tea and yogurt (and shopping, luckily!) hurts.

Funny thing though; On Saturday night Jay and I had dinner at a lovely restaurant with heaps of friends. They all enjoyed Peroni and red with dinner. But instead of continuing at a pub, Jay managed to talk everyone into having a cup of tea at a cafe instead! Haha! The gift of gab, I say!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 27 & 28: Going with the flow...

...getting SERIOUSLY over it.

Bring on the end.